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Changing Directions and Finding Success NCWorks Career Center-Stanly Helps Customers Through Community Partnerships

Pam Gudger had 26 years of previous manufacturing work experience but following the completion of training in the clerical field, she could not locate employment. So, Pam visited the NCWorks Career Center-Stanly in Albemarle seeking...

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NC Manufacturing Institute: A Local Collaboration to Solve the Manufacturing Skills Gap

The National Association of Manufacturing (NAM) provides studies showing that the U.S. manufacturing skill gap could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. In fact, the 2020 study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute,...

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Stanly County Celebrates National Manufacturing Day

Stanly County successfully celebrated National Manufacturing Day on September 30 and October 1, 2021 with events held at the Agri-Civic Center in Albemarle. And the team from the Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) and NCWorks-Centralina...

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Three New Members Join Centralina Workforce Development Board

The Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) is excited to announce three new members: Kelly Stegall, Rick Money and Richard Witterstaetter who joined our Board in August 2019. Kelly Stegall, Dean of College and Career Readiness at...

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NCWorks Career Center-Rowan Helps Jobseeker Discover New Career Path

Brenda Jiles, a Centralina WDB WIOA participant, and Charleena Zepeda, Talent Development Consultant at the NCWorks Career Center-Rowan paths crossed nearly two years ago when Brenda arrived at the NCWorks Career Center in Salisbury under extremely...

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North Carolina Manufacturing Institute Hosts Successful Reverse Job Interview Fair Event for Graduates

Imagine going on a job interview and employers are trying to impress you just as much as you are trying to impress them? Well, that’s what happens at a North Carolina Manufacturing Institute (NCMI) Reverse Job...

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Job Fair Helps High School Seniors in Lincoln County Weigh Their Career Options

On May 20, 2019, the Lincoln County Schools Business Advisory Board along with the Lincoln County School of Technology hosted the first Opportunity Job Fair for high school seniors in Lincoln County. The event focused...

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Centralina Workforce Development Board Team Members Shine at 2019 SETA/NCETA Conference

With the backdrop of the Smokey Mountains, over 700 workforce professionals from all over the Southeast descended on Asheville, North Carolina for the 2019 joint Southeastern Employment & Training Association (SETA) and the North Carolina Employment...

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