Centralina News

Jobseeker Lands Employment with Help of NCWorks-Mooresville Staff

Apr 24, 2020

This past winter, jobseeker Tina Smith walked into the NC Works Career Center-Mooresville for help with her resume and finding a job. She had been employed in the cleaning/restorative business and lost her job.

With the help of the NCWorks staff, Tina was guided on how to search for a job using NCWorks.gov, and they assisted her on her resume, followed by encouragement and suggestions for employment and the steps towards the next job were made.

Soon, Tina interviewed with Lowes Home Improvement, she did not get the job, but she was encouraged to try again with the walk-in interviews that Lowes Home Improvement was hosting. Not long after, she was offered and accepted a full-time job in the lawn and garden department of the store.

Excited, she came back to the NCWorks Career Center to express her appreciation for the staff’s assistance, which thrills staff whenever any of their customers are successful.

“We want each and every one of our customers to be successful in their career path in a career that is self-sustaining for themselves and their families,” said Melissa Kennedy, NCWorks Centralina Talent Development Consultant.

To find out more about our NCWorks Career Centers in the Centralina WDB region, visit www.centralinaworkforce.com.

Tags: Career Seekers Success Stories Business & Professional Services Income Job Placement Unemployed


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