As a part of the Centralina Workforce Development Board Year of Giving Initiative, Anthony Simpson, Center Leader for the NCWorks Career Center-Lincoln, and the entire NCWorks-Lincoln Center team shared information about the services offered by the NCWorks Career Center with individuals at the Lincolnton location of Gaston Community Action Center (GCA) on Friday, March 24, 2023. The participants of the GCA were provided with services to help their families assess their strengths and work as a team to achieve economic stability to take charge of their lives. What better way to take charge of your life than finding stable employment with a wage that allows a family to truly enjoy life? The goal of this event was to provide those in attendance with guidance from the workforce professionals from the NCWorks Career Center to help those seeking employment to have the tools they need to enter the workforce and become leaders.
The NCWorks Career Center-Lincoln team outlined the services offered such as one-on-one career and training assistance, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services, how to apply for jobs, including the development of a good resume, and of course how to prepare for an interview. GCA participants so well received team presentations that the NCWorks Centralina Team will be going back to provide this workshop to other newly enrolled GCA participants. The Centralina Workforce Development Board would like to thank Ms. Cynthia Vinson, Community Services Block Grant Case Manager/IDA Coordinator at GCA for allowing NCWorks Career Center-Lincoln the opportunity to talk with their participants. GCA is a valued partner of the NCWorks Career Center and the Lincoln County community. Their services assist in preparing individuals to be workforce ready and become self-sufficient.
This is just one of many ways the NCWorks Career Centers in the Centralina WDB region are helping our communities. This includes NCWorks team members providing outreach to soup kitchens and homeless shelters in our counties. Thank you to Tony Simpson, NCWorks-Lincoln Center Leader, a Centralina Workforce Development Board member, and his great NCWorks team for strengthening a partnership and continuing to build a great workforce for Lincoln County.
Centralina Workforce Development Board and our local NCWorks Career Centers will continue the annual Centralina Year of Giving initiative as they participate in multiple service events throughout their communities into May 2023. Together our region will be stronger, more resilient, and ready to tackle the future challenges that lie ahead for our workforce.
For more information on resources and opportunities, visit And be sure to download the FREE Centralina WDB Mobile App – available on the Google Play Store and the App Store for iPhone to keep up with all the local workforce services and events happening around the region.
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