Centralina News

First Finish Line Grant Recipient in Centralina WDB “Grateful” For Support During Last Semester

Mar 29, 2019

The Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) is proud to help community college students in our region who need assistance in getting across the “finish line” and complete their education. The Finish Line grants were created to assist students with financial hurdles such as healthcare costs, childcare expenses, or car breakdowns while completing their degree or trade. Since its rollout in the Summer of 2018, Finish Line Grants have assisted hundreds of community college students throughout the state.

In the Centralina WDB, Finish Line grants were able to assist Stanly Community College student Taylor Ferree in her last semester of Respiratory Therapy training, including the license application fee and required seminars.

Taylor, the first recipient of a Finish Line grant in the Centralina WDB region, completed all required information and to had items paid for with guidance and assistance of Centralina Workforce Development Board Services Specialist Narissa Knight.

“It was a very easy process. I’m really grateful for everything,” said Taylor.

“This is another way that the Centralina Workforce Board is working with our partners, the community colleges, and others to improve the workforce in our communities,” said Kim Carpenter, Centralina NCWorks Deputy Project Director who also worked with Taylor.

Taylor will graduate this May from Stanly Community College with an Associate in Science degree in Respiratory Therapy.

To qualify for the Finish Line Grant students must be:

  • 18 years or older
  • U.S. citizen
  • A community college student
  • In good academic standing (2.0 GPA or higher)
  • Currently enrolled and completed 50% of degree or credential program
  • Experiencing a financial emergency or unforeseen challenges

Click here to learn more about the Finish Line Grants or visit the Centralina Workforce Development Board website at www.centralinaworkforce.com.

Tags: Workforce and Education Career Colleges & Universities Education Educational Services


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